About Me

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Assalamualaikum.... Saya Nur Syahirah and this is just something that i wrote randomly. syira mintak maaf kalau ada yang terkasar bahasa... life is short,you can play or become naughty... Do everything you want but ALLAH is our priority. Ingat Allah selalu ^_^

Saturday, January 19, 2013

lost My way...


Lama tak update blog.. hehehhe.. Busy kan (well, org penting gitu.. Wakakakka)
Tadi bukak fb kakak... Then, i see how happy she was with her study...
Just tertanya2... saya macam mana....

I lost my way.... but I still moving forward.....
Because i never know what best for me....

But because of my study... I meet someone....
Someone I never though I would be...
But I like Him...... Make my life at UMT more cheerful and colourful...
Thanks Awak ^_^

Monday, November 12, 2012

Life In UMT

life in UMT is such a chaos.... Do I the only one that felt that way??? i wonder..... :S
every step that I take at first week there is so ........ hahahhaha.. i have no idea how to explain it...
I don't feel hungry, i feel empty and somehow I just don't know how to survive..
Well being the second intake and ex-diploma student really not help...

But everything start to work out...
I start to feel alive there... well except my appetite surely... :D
I just feel happy there.. hahahahah... even remember my classmate make me laugh alone..
Deep inside I miss my UNIKL... I miss them.. all of them...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I am going to Terengganu.. Saya  tak tau sama ada ini keputusan yang bijak atau tidak but yes i'm going...

Tak pernah walau sedetik pun saya terfikir untuk kerja dalam bidang marin ni... sekali pun tidak!
Tapi percaturan Allah siapa yang dapat melawan.... Saya dapat bidang ni dan selama hari ni semuanya berjalan dengan baik... ALLAHUAKHBAR!!

Saya langsung tak tahu apa yang saya akan belajar dan apa juga yang saya akan jadi kelak...
But i'm not planning to stop.. Dan saya juga tak berniat langsung nak lupakan apa yang saya belajar dulu...

Teknologi makmal perubatan + Biologi marin = (my future InsyaAllah)

Monday, August 6, 2012



Hari ni Syira pergi solat tarawikh... Tapi instead of solat, ada sedikit ceramah hari ni....
Mengenai mangsa Rohingya atau nama lainnya (senang) India Muslim di Myanmmar....

Orang islam di sana ditindas sama seperti nasib umat islam lain di Gaza dan Palestin...
Mereka dituduh sebagai pendatang asing sedangkan mengikut fakta mereka telah berada disana berabad lamanya...

Kenapa diorang ditindas? well that is a good question...

The reason is that they believe that islam will cause a some sort of destruction to the buddha religion.
There are afraid that maybe they will some how overcome them..
Thus for many years, people started to become suspicious with muslim there and now there are like
clean up all the muslim there...

Secara jujur, adakah ini yang diajar oleh agama buddha.. Setahu saya, mereka mempercayai pada Karma..
Jadi dengan membunuh orang lain adakah mereka fikir mereka tidak akan mendapat balasan..

Bagi Syira, setiap agama mengajar umatnya untuk berbuat baik sesama manusia.. Jadi adakah membunuh itu baik??
Mungkin mereka mengatakan India Muslim/ Rohingya adalah jahat.... tapi adakah ini merujuk kepada mereka semua??
Sama separti agama lain.. Jika seorang itu melakukan kesilapan, adakah wajar dihukum seluruh penganut agamanya??
Kanak-kanak dibunuh??? It's not fair.... Why did you kill them? can they even hurt you?
Or the fact that you just scared they might get revenge for what  you did to their family...

p/s: Satu saat nanti umat Islam akan bangkit... dan ketika itulah kiamat hampir menjelma...
Apa yang kamu lakukan sekarang akan berbalik kembali kepada kamu....
Doa kami sentiasa ada untuk semua umat islam


Friday, August 3, 2012

Student Life

Can't wait to be back.. Student Life....


tengah-tengah malam ni terasa macam nak bercerita aje...
well.... Macam tajuk diatas, korang pun tahukan setiap manusia sering melakukan kesilapan...
So in others word... I'm in...

Syira tak tahu kenapa, but  I tend to fight easily with the people I care...
Weird... I can be good friends to them but somehow, if I hangout too long with them...
We easily getting into fight...
But don't worry, not a big fight.. Just talk.. Well girl style...

I hate it... I really do but somehow I kept on messing everything up...
Nampaknya syira kena belajar untuk berubah..
Well, I have that intention but i keep on forgetting...

WHY why!!! 1 Perkara yang syira tau...
Setiap kali kita hendak berubah... Berubah la kerana Allah.. Maka ia akan kekal...
InsyaAllah.. I'm determined... Saya akan menjaga tutur kata saya.... Saya akan lebih menghormati perasaan orang lain.... I Must!.. Kerana ALLAH saya berubah... Semoga dipermudahkan segalanya...

BTW: Selamat berpuasa... Bulan baik, semoga kita dapat menjalaninya dengan sempurna...
Jauhi segala kemungkaran, tingkatkan segala amalan.. :) Semoga segala nya diberkati dan dipermudahkan oleh ALLAH..

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Operation procedure ^_^

Hari ni Syira pergi Hospital Pusrawi.. Again!! hahahah ^_^
Melawat mak adib yang baru settle operation...
Ok la... Alhamdullilah.. Semua berjalan lancar...

Tapi yang agak uniknya.. cyst mak adib mengecut...
sedangkan sebelum ini doktor scan, cyst memang ada dan agak besar,...
Kalu tak salah Syira.. 6cm besarnya...

gambar hanyalah rekaan

Tapi pelik kenapa secara tiba-tiba hilang begitu saja..
Doktor yang menjalankan pembedahan hanya membuka perut itu begitu saja...
Sebab tak ada apa yang nak dibuang...
Doktor kata, maybe it move to the intestine but still further check is required...

Ok, so disini Syira nak nasihatkan kepada semua...
Bukan syira nak berlagak pandai, tetapi memang wajar Syira menyampaikan..
Sebab this is also my working area, I can't just let it slide....

1. Kalau boleh, sentiasa dapatkan nasihat doktor lain... Mana tahu
kita boleh mengelakkan diri daripada operation... Sekecil mana pun operation tu, It still painful.

2. It better to get full scan before the operation.. Yes it is true that it required a lot of money..
But what is your priority right now?

3. Always ask the doctor anything that you do not understand... You paid them and you deserve the best

4. Drug do no be given for fun.. Eat them... Before the operation, it may not cure fully but it give advantage to the doctor when the operation is done.. If the doctor give you an antibiotic.. EAT ALL OF IT..
Antibiotic is to fight infection, thus even you feel you are fully recovered, you still need to eat to prevent repeated infection from the same antigen.. if the antigen is still in your body but you already stop taking the drug, the antigen may eventually become adapted with the drug. thus, when recurrent infection occur, the drug can't totally kill the antigen.

*all of the above are suitable for private hospital, usually in government the last thing they will do is perform operation. But still you can always can ask other doctor opinion to confirm that the treatment is the best.